TEST A3 A)Vyberte správný tvar slovesa. 1. We look forward to our holiday. We ............................ in an inn. a) stay b) are staying c) stayed 2. We usually ............................ for holiday in July. a) are leaving b) leave c) left 3. This year we ............................ on holiday in August, because I am busy at work until the end of July. a) are going b) go c) went 4. We ............................ to stay there for two weeks. a) want b) wanted c) are wanting 5. Last year we ............................ there only one week because it wasn´t sunny. a) spent b) spend c) are spanding 6. We never ............................ holiday in a foreign country because it is cheaper in our country. a) are spending b) spent c) spend 7. We ............................ the Czech Airlines 3 years ago and we liked the service very much. a) take b) are taking c) took B) Podtrhněte správný výraz. 1. What´s the weather like? - It rains / It is raining. 2. What is she like ? She is tall and pretty / nice and friendly. 3. I don´t usually work / I am not usually working on Saturdays. 4. I don´t like to get up / getting up before 6 o´clock. 5. He is good at cooking / in cooking. 6. What does she look like ? She is tall and pretty / nice and friendly. C) Doplňte vhodné slovo. Peter is taking his girlfriend Jane to the ............ today. There is an interesting play by Shakespeare ................... On Tuesday he finishes work ............................ 3 pm so he ............................ to hurry, because he takes private Spanish lesson from 4 ............................ 5 pm. He can´t play tennis ............................ Jeremy this week, because Jeremy is out .......................... town ....................... the end ....................... the week. He is meeting Jane ................... the theatre at 6 pm today. ........................ Friday Peter is ..................... to Paul´s party with Jane. D) Reagujte, jak je naznačeno. 1. Are you going to the cinema on Friday? No, ........................................................ 2. Do you like going shopping? Yes, ....................................................... 3. Are you bad at skiing? Yes, ....................................................... 4. We could go to the musical in the afternoon. I am sorry, ................................................... ............................................................ E) Přeložte. 1. Šli byste se mnou do divadla? ................................................................ 2. Chodím do divadla rád, ale dnes se necítím na to ................................................................ sedět dvě hodiny v divadle. ................................................................ 3. Jízda na kole? To mám rád. ................................................................. 4. Zůstaňme doma a zahrajme si karty. ................................................................. 5. Cvičení pomáhá našemu zdraví. ................................................................. 6. Miranda miluje tancování. ................................................................. 7. Ve škole byla dobrá v plavání a v běhu. ................................................................. 8. Zbyl v ledničce nějaký džus? ................................................................. 9. Obvykle dělám to co dělám právě teď. ................................................................. F) Dokončete naznačenou otázku. vzor: We started to learn English last year. What did you start to learn last year? 1. We started to learn English last year. Who ...........................................................? 2. We started to learn English last year. When ..........................................................? 3. I have read a few stories by Poe. What ..........................................................? 4. Sarah is looking for a pair of shoes. What ..........................................................? 5. Miss Simpson is talking to Jane at the moment. Who ........................................................to ? 6. Ann is making dinner for her children. Who .......................................................for ? 7. I have been to a number of countries. Where ...............................................last year ?